September 12, 2017
Contact: Stephany Fong,
September 12, 2017 (NEW YORK) – Today, the U.S. Census Bureau released state-by-state statistics on health insurance coverage in 2016. New York’s uninsured rate among the general population declined to 6.1% in 2016, from 7.1% in 2015; this translates to 198,000 New Yorkers gaining coverage.
The following is a statement from David Sandman, Ph.D., President and CEO of the New York Health Foundation, on the newly-released health insurance data for New York State:
“Thanks to the Affordable Care Act and aggressive outreach and enrollment efforts, New York State continues to be a leader when it comes to health insurance coverage. More New Yorkers than ever before have the health insurance they need and the financial security that comes with it. With the ACA seemingly intact and a strong commitment by the State to covering as many New Yorkers as possible, we are likely to see these gains be sustained.
More work remains to achieve truly universal coverage. For immigrants—especially those whose DACA status is uncertain—and others who have been left behind by coverage expansions, New York must continue to develop creative solutions. We must ensure that all New Yorkers have the health insurance they need and deserve.”