Nearly two-thirds of teens in the United States who experience mental health challenges don’t seek help. This is especially true in rural and semi-rural communities in New York, where shortages of culturally and linguistically appropriate mental health providers, stigma about behavioral health disorders, and cost-prohibitive treatment can pose additional hurdles to care.
Please join NYHealth to discuss community-driven mental health services that support the holistic wellbeing of young people living in rural areas and immigrant communities. Hear from members of Organización Latino Americana (OLA) of Eastern Long Island, who lead efforts to integrate bilingual mental health services, crisis intervention, and healing practices for middle and high school students living on the East End of Long Island. Learn about OLA’s mental health initiative, Youth Connect, and gain practical insight into managing bilingual services and expanding partnerships in more communities.
Minerva Perez, Executive Director, OLA of Eastern Long Island
Jon López, Youth Connect Intervention Advocate, OLA of Eastern Long Island