
February 28, 2019


9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.


CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy
55 West 125th Street
7th Fl Auditorium
New York, NY 10027


Urban Food Policy Forum: Practicing Food Democracy: Translating Ideas into Action

Food democracy is central to the advancement of equitable, healthy, and sustainable urban food systems. In a Food Democracy all members of the agro-food system have equal and effective opportunities to design, operate, and participate in its stewardship. But what does it mean to practice food democracy? And how can food policy advocates connect to democracy activism in other sectors? How can we strengthen and expand opportunities for practicing food democracy in NYC and elsewhere? What tools, processes, competencies, and alliances do we need to increase citizen involvement in policymaking processes? How can communities typically absent from the table gain a voice and a seat that will make food policy decisions fairer? On February 28, join the CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute and invited experts to explore these and other key questions.



Doors open at 8:45am. Panel begins promptly at 9am. Please allow additional time to check in at security desks.

THIS PANEL WILL BE LIVESTREAMED. Tune into the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy Facebook page to watch. The permalink will be posted on our website after the event.

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