Grantee Name
PMB Healthcare Consulting
Funding Area
Expanding Health Care Coverage
Publication Date
April 2011
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
March 2009 – June 2009
DOWNLOAD FULL REPORTIn 2008, the New York State Legislature authorized a statewide enrollment center for public health insurance programs to supplement the existing enrollment infrastructure and provide beneficiaries with a centralized, statewide system for processing their Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and Family Health Plus renewals.
The enrollment center included an integrated call center for these three major health insurance programs, a telephone renewal system, Web-based renewal capabilities, and a centralized enrollment entity for processing applications for unique Medicaid programs with low volume in any one local district. Under this grant, PMB Healthcare Consulting (PMB) conducted technical work to inform the development and implementation of the new telephone renewal system. PMB outlined the scope of work for the development of the Healthcare Enrollment and Renewal Tool (HEART)—software intended to link the enrollment center to State eligibility systems, including the necessary features and functionality of the new system from a policy perspective.
This project was part of a larger NYHealth authorization that funded a series of quick-strike analyses to help the New York State Department of Health’s Office (NYSDOH’s) of Health Insurance Programs find ways to streamline and expand its public health insurance programs.
Read an NYHealth special report that contains a summary of findings from this authorization.