Grantee Name
Children’s Defense Fund - New York
Funding Area
Expanding Health Care Coverage
Publication Date
April 2016
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
July 2012 – January 2014
A series of challenges, including State regulations and reimbursement rules, had impeded the expansion of school-based health centers (SBHCs) across New York State.
SBHCs provide an affordable source of primary care to underserved children but face difficulties in contracting with health plans, including those that serve children covered by Medicaid or Child Health Plus. As a result, care can be fragmented and providers may be left without compensation. The Affordable Care Act created new opportunities to improve delivery and support expansion of SBHC services, with $200 million in funding allocated to establish or expand SBHCs nationwide. NYHealth awarded the Children’s Defense Fund a grant to work with key partners on developing recommendations for expanding and sustaining SBHCs in New York.