
Project Title

Internal Evaluation Technical Assistance for NYHealth Grantees: Phase 1

Grant Amount


Priority Area


Date Awarded

December 8, 2008


Outside New York State






Many grantees, especially smaller, non-academic organizations, often lack evaluation experience but are required to submit evaluation plans to foundations that include outcome measures and monitoring activities. Based on the final reports from its early grantees, the New York Health Foundation (NYHealth) concluded that grantees would benefit from formal technical assistance in the area of evaluation. Specifically, staff members felt that grantees would benefit from learning how to create a program logic model; develop a related set of process and outcome measures; and collect and analyze the necessary data. NYHealth awarded a grant to the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) to implement this technical assistance to Foundation grantees. This grant was awarded in two phases.

Grant Goals:

CHCS hoped to achieve the following goals:

  • To assist current grantees in the evaluation of their NYHealth-funded projects.
  • To develop current and new grantees’ internal evaluation capacity.

Grant Outcomes:

In Phase 1, CHCS accomplished the following:

  • Worked with six grantees selected by NYHealth to receive intense individual technical assistance.
  • Conducted one full-day workshop in New York City in January 2009 for downstate grantees and one full-day workshop in Albany in June 2009 for upstate grantees.
  • Provided limited technical assistance to nine downstate organizations and six upstate organizations after the workshops.
  • Interviewed eight recipients of technical assistance and reviewed workshop evaluations to assess its value and elicit suggestions for improvement.