Expanding Health Care Coverage

Project Title

Expanding the Small Business Assistance Program to Preserve and Increase Health Coverage

Grant Amount


Priority Area

Expanding Health Care Coverage

Date Awarded

December 17, 2012







The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides numerous benefits for small business owners and employees.

Beginning in 2014, small businesses will be able to purchase insurance through the SHOP (Small Business Health Options Program) Exchange, which will provide a menu of affordable, pre-screened insurance options to meet organizations’ and workers’ needs. However, many small businesses are uninformed and unprepared to take advantage of these benefits. Recognizing this gap in information, the Community Service Society of New York (CSS) designed the Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) to educate small businesses about the ACA and assist them in maintaining and gaining health insurance. With funding from NYHealth, CSS worked to double the size of the SBAP at this critical moment in the implementation of health reform.

Under this grant, CSS issued an open Request for Proposals to identify and add approximately 10 new organizations serving small businesses throughout the State, such as local Chambers of Commerce, to the SBAP network. CSS conducted intensive training to selected participants, and followed up with continued training and monthly case reviews. CSS monitored and provided quality assurance to the SBAP network, and offered ongoing technical support and assistance, including access to accounting and benefit specialists on an as-needed basis. CSS also produced and disseminated education materials, policy updates, and other outreach information for small businesses. Remotely, CSS reviewed presentations, workshop evaluations, and case notes to ensure high-quality services were delivered.

View the SBAP network and NYHealth’s enrollment grantees.

Read the report, “Lessons Learned from the Small Business Assistance Program.”