Healthy Food, Healthy Lives

Project Title

Advancing Healthy Food, Healthy Lives

Grant Amount


Priority Area

Healthy Food, Healthy Lives

Date Awarded

November 23, 2021




In Progress

In 2021, NYHealth selected 9 organizations from across the State for grant awards totaling nearly $1.5 million in support of policies and programs that connect New Yorkers to healthy, affordable food.

These grantees submitted proposals in response to NYHealth’s “Advancing Healthy Food, Healthy Lives” Request for Proposals (RFP) to support a more robust, diverse food system that promotes health and equity throughout New York State.

Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences. The link between food and health is clear. Nutritious food can act as medicine, helping to prevent and manage disease. But too much food, too little food, food that is not nutritious, or food that is not culturally appropriate can have serious health consequences.

NYHealth’s Healthy Food, Healthy Lives priority area, launched earlier this year, seeks to advance policies and programs that connect New Yorkers with the food they need to thrive through two strategies:

  1. Enabling policies that promote healthy, affordable food; and
  2. Testing and scaling programs that connect people to healthy, affordable food.

Grant recipients through this inaugural Healthy Food, Healthy Lives RFP are: