Veterans’ Health

Project Title

Advancing Peer Mentors in New York’s Veterans Treatment Courts

Grant Amount


Priority Area

Veterans’ Health

Date Awarded

December 10, 2024





In Progress


Founded in Buffalo in 2008, Veterans Treatment Courts (VTCs) offer eligible veterans an alternative to incarceration by providing treatment for mental health and/or substance use disorders. NYHealth played a key role in securing universal access to VTCs statewide, a crucial step forward. However, ongoing efforts are needed to maximize the new policy’s impact and improve the quality of VTCs. A critical component of successful VTC programs is the role of peer mentors, but limited statewide data exist on their distribution and demographics and the quality and scope of peer mentor services. In 2024, NYHealth awarded The Center for Justice Innovation (CJI) a grant to evaluate the equitable distribution and representation of high-quality peer mentors in VTCs statewide. 

Under this grant, CJI will standardize and elevate the role of VTC peer mentors. CJI will convene an advisory committee of stakeholders; conduct a statewide survey to collect data from VTCs and partners; monitor and evaluate outcomes for VTC participants with peer mentors; assess mentors to identify opportunities for improvement; update and disseminate a handbook for mentors; create a formal peer mentor network; and develop and share statewide recommendations to strengthen VTC peer mentoring.