Project Title
Evaluation Technical Assistance for NYHealth Grantees and Applicants: Phase 3
Grant Amount
Priority Area
Date Awarded
December 2, 2011
SEE GRANT OUTCOMESNYHealth recognized that many of its grantees could benefit from technical assistance with the evaluation aspects of their projects in addition to the direct grant support for their projects.
Under Phase 1 and 2 of this grant, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) provided direct, one-on-one assistance to grantees; held upstate and downstate workshops for grantees; and offered one-on-one follow-up assistance to workshop participants. Because of the success of the Phases 1 and 2, NYHealth continued to provide technical assistance for new grantees and applicants in 2011 and 2012.
Phase 3 built on the success of the previous technical assistance grants. Activities included providing: 1) evaluation technical assistance workshops; 2) a one-hour consultation with all new grantees that were candidates for the evaluation workshops; 3) providing a consultation to new grantees within one month of the award; and 4) customized technical assistance to grantees. One workshop was refined to focus on two sessions that were especially popular: evaluating partnerships and advocacy efforts. The one-hour consultations and the workshops both set the stage for ongoing assistance.
Related Grants
Phase 1: $253,635
Phase 2: $220,301
Phase 4: $151,670
Phase 5: $148,297
Phase 6: $149,553
Phase 7: $151,579