Empowering Health Care Consumers

Project Title

Strengthening the Campaign to End Medical Debt in New York State

Grant Amount


Priority Area

Empowering Health Care Consumers

Date Awarded

September 26, 2022


Central NY





Medical debt is a crushing burden for New Yorkers. A recent survey found that more than half of New Yorkers struggle to pay medical bills.

Low-income communities and communities of color outside of New York City have been particularly hard hit by medical debt, exacerbating existing health and socioeconomic inequities. A coalition of partners has run a successful End Medical Debt in New York campaign, with NYHealth and other philanthropic support, to advocate for solutions. In 2022, NYHealth awarded the Volunteer Lawyers Project of Central New York (VLP) a grant to advocate for policy changes that protect New Yorkers from unfair medical debt.

Under this grant, VLP contributed to the End Medical Debt in New York campaign by raising awareness of medical debt issues and consumer protections with clients, legal aid organizations, advocates, and policymakers. VLP engaged in community-wide legal education regarding medical and nursing home debt. This education focused on consumers’ legal rights, recent changes in State law, and proposed changes to the law. It provided training to consumers, health and human service agencies, long-term care ombudsmen, and financial counselors throughout Central New York. In addition, VLP created a toolkit for consumers and legal aid organizations across the State on how to challenge medical debt lawsuits. Educational resources were informed by VLP’s direct client representation and highlighted on-the-ground consumer experiences, which policy advocates could amplify.

NYHealth also supported two complementary initiatives for ending medical debt in New York State, with grants to the Public Policy and Education Fund of New York and the Urban Institute.