Strengthening the Rural Nursing Workforce

Meeting the demand for registered nurses (RNs) in New York State—expected to exceed supply by 37,000 in 2015—would require that an additional 4,000 nurses graduate annually.

Grantee Name

Hartwick College

Funding Area

Special Projects Fund

Publication Date

March 2014

Grant Amount


Grant Date:

November 2008 – July 2011

Special Projects Fund

Meeting the demand for registered nurses (RNs) in New York State—expected to exceed supply by 37,000 in 2015—would require that an additional 4,000 nurses graduate annually.

In particular, rural counties in upstate New York are experiencing severe shortages and challenges recruiting and retaining RNs: the RN vacancy rate in regional health care facilities is currently 15%, up from 9% in 2007. Moreover, according to a report issued by Senator Charles Schumer, upstate New York hospitals could be dangerously understaffed in an emergency, with nearly 500 fewer full-time equivalent nurses than needed to meet health care demands in the Southern Tier. To address this nursing shortage, NYHealth awarded Hartwick College’s Department of Nursing (the College) a grant to support the development of a flexible, accelerated nursing degree program targeting local adult and second-degree students.

Outcomes and Lessons Learned

  • Designed an accelerated curriculum;
  • Enrolled 10 students, 9 of whom were still participating in the program at the close of the grant period; and
  • Hired adjunct faculty members.