Evaluating NYHealth’s Faith-based Diabetes Initiative: Program Volunteer and Participant Surveys

Diabetes prevalence in New York State has doubled since 1994 and is expected to grow: 1.8 million New Yorkers suffer from diabetes and more than 4 million others have prediabetes.

Grantee Name

University of Michigan

Funding Area

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Publication Date

October 2014

Grant Amount


Grant Date:

February 2011 – December 2011

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Diabetes prevalence in New York State has doubled since 1994 and is expected to grow: 1.8 million New Yorkers suffer from diabetes and more than 4 million others have prediabetes.

Annual disease-related costs for the State are estimated at $12.9 billion. To help reverse this epidemic, the Foundation invested in a 5-year, $35 million NYHealth Diabetes Campaign, beginning in 2008, with a focus on improving clinical care and patient outcomes; mobilizing communities to prevent diabetes and support diabetes self-management; and promoting policies that sustain comprehensive and effective care for people with diabetes.

In January 2010, NYHealth launched the Campaign’s community component with the first of three grants to the Institute for Leadership (IFL). Through the Campaign’s Faith Fights Diabetes initiative, IFL led a three-year plan to build the capacity of faith-based organizations to deliver a diabetes management and prevention program in places of worship across New York State.

In 2011, NYHealth awarded a grant to the University of Michigan’s Department of Medical Education to develop and validate two survey instruments—one for participants and one for volunteer leaders delivering the program—to assess the effectiveness of the diabetes self-management and prevention program.

Outcomes and Lessons Learned

  • Determined the evaluation goals of the Foundation and IFL and identified measurable outcomes through meetings with staff members from both organizations;
  • Developed initial drafts of both surveys, and incorporated feedback from Foundation and IFL staff members;
  • Tested the surveys with program participants and volunteers; and
  • Conducted a reliability and validity study of the two surveys and found moderate levels of reliability and strong support for the instruments’ validity. The resulting surveys are available in English and Spanish.

NYHealth fielded the surveys in partnership with IFL, and the results will be submitted for publication. Copies of the survey instruments are available in English and Spanish for organizational use.