Healthy Sundays: Outreach through Faith-Based Organizations
The Hispanic and Latino populations living in the Nassau County communities on the southern shore of Long Island have increasing health disparities, due to numerous barriers.Grantee Name
Long Beach Medical Center
Funding Area
Special Projects Fund
Publication Date
July 2008
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
January 2007 – December 2007
The Hispanic and Latino populations living in the Nassau County communities on the southern shore of Long Island have increasing health disparities, due to numerous barriers—the residents’ low income, limited education, long working hours, language differences, and distrust of government institutions because of their immigration status.
The goal of the project was to improve the overall health status of Hispanic/Latino residents of Long Beach Island, Island Park, and Oceanside through increased awareness of disease prevention, health education, and early intervention for conditions such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, mental and emotional problems, and addiction.
Outcomes and Lessons Learned
- Project staff presented health information and conducted screenings related to physical activity, heart health, diabetes, stroke and hypertension, prostate cancer, skin cancer, parent and child health, addiction, asthma, breast cancer, nutrition, and mental health.
- Health messages were read from the pulpit and reinforced in church bulletins and other materials.
- The project staff conducted a mini-health fair, repeating cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, and BMI screenings, so that participants could assess their progress since the beginning of the year.
- The results from the overall population show some areas of improvement: cholesterol referrals decreased 38%; glucose referrals down 44%; and blood pressure referrals down 17%.