Managing Diabetes Care: Moving an Underlying Chronic Condition to the Forefront


Healthcare Association of New York State

Funding Area

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management


December 5, 2011

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

This Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS) report, supported by NYHealth, examines the high rate of hospital readmissions for patients with diabetes and what providers and health care workers can do to decrease these hospitalization rates, improve patient outcomes, and reduce health care costs.

Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires vigilant management by both patients and providers, yet many opportunities to reduce negative outcomes are missed. The total percentage of patients with diabetes in New York State being admitted to hospitals is rising—increasing by nearly 30% since 2000—and readmission rates for patients with diabetes are 2.4 times higher than for those without the disease.

The report proposes that improved diabetes care management at each point of contact for patients within the health care system can lead to improved patient outcomes and reduce health care costs. Strategies include devising a treatment and discharge plan upon admission to a hospital, transitioning patients to a primary care setting, following up with the patient, and providing diabetes education to support improved management at home.