Bad Blood Series (New York Times)


New York Times

Funding Area

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management


January 9, 2006

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

The New York Times did a series on diabetes in New York City in January 2006. These articles report on the costs of this epidemic both in terms of health care expenditures and in reduced quality of life.

This four-part series on diabetes uses case studies in New York.

Bad Blood: Diabetes and Its Awful Toll Quietly Emerge as a Crisis (January 9, 2006) investigates the gravity of the diabetes epidemic in the Bronx.

Bad Blood: Living at an Epicenter of Diabetes, Defiance and Despair (January 10, 2006) highlights conditions in East Harlem that show how diabetes disproportionately affect individuals in low-income neighborhoods.

Bad Blood: In the Treatment of Diabetes, Success Often Does Not Pay (January 11, 2006) looks at the effects of hospital closures and financial barriers to diabetes treatment and care in Manhattan.

Bad Blood: East Meets West, Adding Pounds and Peril (January 12, 2006) examines the effects of American food patterns on the children of recent immigrants in Flushing.

Or read more diabetes articles from the New York Times.