Improving Health Care Options in New York: The Experience of the Coverage Consortium



Funding Area

Expanding Health Care Coverage


June 1, 2011

Expanding Health Care Coverage

This NYHealth special report contains a summary of findings from an NYHealth Coverage Consortium initiative that funded a set of institutions across New York State to work on solutions and action steps necessary for expanding health care coverage.

The objective of the Coverage Consortium initiative was to provide New York State policymakers with well-researched policy options for getting more people health insurance. Its larger goal was to harness the thinking of people with diverse perspectives, making the “sum greater than the total of its parts.” Starting in July 2007, the Foundation issued 10 grants to seven universities, policy institutes, and community agencies across the State. The projects produced 48 written reports on topics such as merging the individual and small-group insurance markets, expanding access to health care for immigrants, reducing racial disparities, and using free-market strategies to enroll more adults.

The 10 grants funded under this initiative addressed a range of solutions and action steps necessary for expanding health care coverage in New York State: