From Access to Affordability: A Summary of State Strategies to Provide Private Health Insurance Coverage to Small Groups
The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government
Funding Area
Expanding Health Care Coverage
August 31, 2008
This Rockefeller Institute of Government report, made possible by an NYHealth grant, looks at statewide strategies for improving private health insurance coverage to small groups.
It examines rating policies, group purchasing arrangements, premium subsidies, refundable credits, and reinsurance as strategies for increasing access to private health insurance.
This paper summarizes methods states have used to try to improve insurance coverage in the small-group market; outlines the features of these options; reviews the literature regarding the success of different policies; and concludes—based on existing literature—which policies hold promise for increasing insurance coverage in the small-group market.
Read the state case studies: Minnesota, Maine, and New Jersey.