Implementation and Outcomes of the New York State YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program: A Multisite Community-Based Translation, 2010–2012


New York Academy of Medicine; NYHealth; New York State Department of Health

Funding Area

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management


July 10, 2014

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

This paper, prepared by the New York Academy of Medicine, New York State Department of Health, and New York Health Foundation (NYHealth) presents findings from the implementation of the evidence-based YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program (Y-DPP) in YMCA’s across New York State.

As part of its efforts to combat the diabetes epidemic in New York State, NYHealth, in collaboration with the New York State Department of Health Diabetes Prevention and Control Program and the Alliance of New York State YMCAs, implemented the Y-DPP in 10 regions of the State in 2010. Adapted from the National Diabetes Prevention Program, the Y-DPP is a 16-week, community-based program delivered by the YMCA that helps participants with prediabetes make modest lifestyle changes and can reduce their risk of developing the disease by 50%. The program has been found to be as effective as the original model, with similar weight loss goals achieved and sustained over time.

The paper, published in Preventing Chronic Disease, examines the outcomes for Y-DPP participants in a diversity of communities across New York State, as well as the potential for effectively implementing the program in community-based settings to reach a broader population.

Read an executive summary on the key findings from the evaluation of the Y-DPP in New York State.