Defy Diabetes Survey Instruments


University of Michigan

Funding Area

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management


August 19, 2014

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

In 2008, the New York Health Foundation (NYHealth) invested in a 5-year, $35 million Diabetes Campaign, with a focus on improving clinical care and patient outcomes; mobilizing communities to prevent diabetes and support diabetes self-management; and promoting policies that sustain comprehensive and effective care for people with diabetes. During the Campaign, NYHealth awarded three grants to the Institute for Leadership (IFL) to support the Campaign’s Faith Fights Diabetes initiative; IFL led a three-year plan to build the capacity of faith-based organizations to deliver a diabetes management and prevention program, Defy Diabetes, in places of worship across New York State. To assess the program’s impact on participants’ health status, as well as diabetes-related behavioral and psychosocial outcomes, NYHealth awarded a grant to the University of Michigan’s Department of Medical Education to develop and validate two survey instruments—one for participants and one for volunteer leaders delivering the program—to assess the effectiveness of the diabetes self-management and prevention program.

NYHealth fielded the completed surveys in partnership with IFL, and the results will be submitted for publication. Copies of the survey instruments are available below in English and Spanish for organizational use.

In English:

In Spanish: