Fully Integrated Duals Advantage (FIDA): A Toolkit for New York City and Nassau County Health Care Providers


Medicare Rights Center

Funding Area

Primary Care


June 5, 2015

Primary Care

This Medicare Rights Center toolkit, supported by NYHealth, was designed for health care providers to assist them with understanding the Fully Integrated Duals Advantage (FIDA) program as it is rolled out in New York State.

The materials offer information on FIDA’s model of care coordination, provider roles in the program, and how providers can help their patients make the best coverage choices for their needs.

Dual eligibles—individuals who qualify both for Medicare and Medicaid—often require a complex array of services from multiple providers, which results in fragmented and uncoordinated health care delivery. Launched in 2015, FIDA provides a new opportunity to coordinate care for this costly and complex population: participating health insurance plans will be paid on a capitated basis to provide a comprehensive package of services that covers physical and behavioral health care; long-term care supports and services; and prescription medications.

The toolkit is intended to help health care providers understand their role as a FIDA provider and how they can assist their eligible patients in enrolling in FIDA.