Primary Care


United Hospital Fund

Funding Area

Primary Care


April 9, 2015


This United Hospital Fund (UHF) report, supported by NYHealth, provides an overview of the 27 provider groups participating in New York’s Medicare accountable care organizations (ACOs), including data on size, sponsorship, financial performance, and quality measure.

ACOs aim to transform the way health care is delivered and have the potential to improve patient care and reduce costs. As of January 2015, 27 New York provider groups were participating in Medicare’s ACOs. UHF conducted interviews with leaders of these groups to examine the growth of accountable care across the State and explore regional variation.

This quantitative report provides numbers on the size, composition, sponsorship, and regional distribution of these ACOs. It also summarizes financial results of New York’s 16 earliest ACOs in their first performance year.

An accompanying qualitative report, “Accountable Care in New York State: Emerging Themes and Issues,” examines the differences in sponsorship of New York’s ACOs.