Healthy, Affordable Food
Access to healthy food is a key determinant of health—a lack of which can lead to higher rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. Residents of low-income neighborhoods or communities in high-poverty areas in particular face challenges in accessing healthy foods, including a dearth of grocery stores offering nutritious options or difficulty affording healthy food when it is available. As a result, these residents are particularly at risk for poorer health outcomes.

As part of its Building Healthy Communities priority area, NYHealth supported a wide range of projects to increase residents’ access to healthy, affordable food options. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 NYHealth also made a series of rapid response grants to support food access-related efforts around New York State. Learn more about our grantees’ work:
Active Citizen Project/Project EATS
American Farmland Trust
Brotherhood Sister/Sol
Clinton County Health Department
- Improving the Nutritional Quality of Food Pantry Donations in Clinton County
- Overcoming Obstacles to Food Access in Clinton County
Community Food Advocates
- Advocacy for Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids
- Universal School Lunch Phase II: Maximizing Participation
- New York Good Food Purchasing Campaign
Field & Fork Network
- Setting the Stage to Scale and Sustain the Double Up Food Bucks Programs in Western New York and the Finger Lakes
- Wholesome Foods Pop-Up Market
- Leveraging Federal Funds to Increase Access to Fresh, Affordable Foods Across New York State
- Expanding a Nutrition Incentive Program Across New York State, Phase 2
- Implementing the Niagara Falls Local Food Action Plan
Global Strategic Leadership Network of Churches
Isabahlia Ladies of Elegance Foundation
Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education and Policy
- Assessment of the State of Nutrition Education at the New York City and State Levels
- Supporting Local Wellness Policies in New York State Schools
- Return to Scratch Cooking Development Study
Lenox Hill Neighborhood House
- Expansion of The Teaching Kitchen: Providing Healthy Food to Low-Income New Yorkers
- Improving the Quality of Institutional Food in NYS: Scaling Up the Teaching Kitchen
Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City
- Activating Public Spaces: A Public-Private Partnership to Build Healthy Communities in New York City
- A Public-Private Partnership to Build Healthy Communities in New York City, Phase 2
- Building Healthy Communities NYC, Phase 3
Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center
Myrtle Ave Revitalization Project
New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA)
Niagara University
North Star Fund
Pace-Natural Resources Defense Council
- Creating a More Just and Sustainable Food System in New York City
- Pace-NRDC Food Law Initiative COVID-19 Legal Support
Partnership for a Healthier America & Foodlink
Teens for Food Justice
Wellness in the Schools
West Side Campaign Against Hunger