Improving the Assessment and Management of Diabetes for Adults with Serious Mental Illness

Individuals with serious mental illness are 2.3 times more likely to develop diabetes during their lifetime and 2.7 times more likely to die from diabetes-related complications. These physical and mental co-morbidities not only reduce quality of life, but are associated with high hospital admission rates.

Grantee Name

Institute for Community Living, Inc.

Funding Area

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Publication Date

September 2013

Grant Amount


Grant Date:

December 1, 2007 – January 13, 2012

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Individuals with serious mental illness are 2.3 times more likely to develop diabetes during their lifetime and 2.7 times more likely to die from diabetes-related complications.

These physical and mental co-morbidities not only reduce quality of life, but are associated with high hospital admission rates. In 2008, NYHealth awarded Institute for Community Living (ICL) a grant to address poorly-controlled diabetes in those with serious mental illness by developing the Diabetes Co-Morbidity Initiative (DCI), a program to help behavioral health agencies staff provide diabetes care management to patients. NYHealth funded this project through its 2007 Setting the Standard: Advancing Best Practices in Diabetes Management request for proposals.

Outcomes and Lessons Learned

  • Met its goals related to producing training materials, securing program participation, and training staff members;
  • Designed a toolkit for improving diabetes support;
  • Implemented the DCI at 19 behavioral health agencies in New York City, Long Island, Westchester, and Central New York, setting up a total of 44 programs;
  • Provided diabetes training to 324 staff members, exceeding its original training goals of 144–192 staff members; and
  • Reviewed diabetes registry data and focus groups with participating staff members and clients.

Read the report associated with this grant, “Setting the Standard: A Foundation Initiative to Advance Best Practices in Diabetes Management.”