


Funding Area



October 3, 2017


This NYHealth-produced data snapshot highlights key cost drivers and trends and shows how New York compares nationally and with other states.

New York’s health care spending overall and per capita are among the highest in the nation. Health care expenditures were the second highest in the country, totaling $193 billion in 2014, up from $165 billion in 2009.

$ 193 B Total health care expenditures in New York in 2014.
$ 10 k Health care spending per person in New York, about 20% higher than the national average.
8 th New York is ranked eighth highest in the nation for per capita expenditures as of 2014.

As policy conversations at the state and national level continue to focus on health care costs, this snapshot—the first in a series on health care costs in New York—is intended to synthesize a wide range of data into an objective, easy-to-use resource.

View the PDF.
Download the PPT presentation.

NYHealth encourages others to incorporate the slides into their own presentations and share the information widely.