November 8, 2019
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
NYHealth Conference Room
1385 Broadway, 23rd Floor (corner of 38th Street)
New York, NY 10018
Achieving greater transparency in health care quality can ensure that New Yorkers have information that is public, accessible, and actionable. Better health care quality information can steer people toward higher-quality providers, improve health outcomes for patients, and reduce costs for consumers, providers, purchasers, and payers alike. Yet quality measurement and reporting systems are not always designed primarily with consumers in mind.
A new survey by Public Agenda, funded by NYHealth, offers fresh insights on New York State residents’ interest, awareness, and preferences for accessing health care quality information. This survey follows up on a previous study that found consumers do in fact want more price transparency and other information to help them make decisions about their health care.
Please join us for the release of Public Agenda’s latest survey findings on how New Yorkers view health care quality and a conversation with quality experts on what the State, providers, and payers can do to meet the information needs of consumers. Panelists are:
- Anne-Marie J. Audet, M.D., M.Sc., S.M., Senior Medical Officer, The Quality Institute, United Hospital Fund
- David Schleifer, Ph.D., Vice President, Director of Research, Public Agenda
- Eric Wei, M.D., M.B.A., Vice President and Chief Quality Officer, NYC Health + Hospitals
Please R.S.V.P. by November 4, 2019. Lunch will be provided.
Can’t join us in person? Join us for our live-stream on Facebook.