
September 22, 2020


12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.


NYHealth invites you to attend its webinar series, “Practically Speaking,” that will share actionable ideas to better serve New Yorkers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This session will focus on how New York City, the largest public school system in the country, plans to feed its 1.1 million public school students and food-insecure residents of the City this fall.

  • What will lunch in the classrooms look like?
  • Can kids learning from home pick up food?
  • Are grab-and-go meals for adults still being offered?

Please join us for a discussion with Liz Accles, Executive Director of Community Food Advocates, to learn more about the organization’s work with the New York City Department of Education’s Office of Food & Nutrition Services to improve school and City-wide food distribution operations during the ongoing pandemic.

This 30-minute webinar will feature a short discussion followed by audience Q&A.

Register here.

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