
May 14, 2018


12:10 p.m.


The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) will host an online discussion on May 14 from 12:10 – 1:00 p.m. eastern to share strategies on increasing patient engagement, and using patient-reported outcomes more effectively.

The interactive webinar will feature PatientsLikeMe, a patient network that helps people share their experiences and learnings to improve outcomes and care. The groundbreaking PatientsLikeMe website has connected more than 600,000 patients with more than 2,800 conditions, generating 43 million data points along the way.

In addition to discussing how to better engage patients and learn what good care means to those who receive it, panelists will explain how grantmakers can use learnings from the Good Care Study, a RWJF-supported research project to develop patient-reported outcome measures, as well as a collaboration with the National Quality Forum to increase patient involvement in the measure development process and a collaboration with the American Academy of Family Physicians to understand doctor and patient accountability in health care.

Speakers include Emil Chiauzzi, PatientsLikeMe; Charles DeRosa, PatientsLikeMe Member; Ben Heywood, PatientsLikeMe; Kim Kimminau, American Academy of Family Physicians National Research Network; and Susan Mende (Moderator), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

To RSVP, send your name, title, organization, email address, and telephone number to Jack Fenton at Log-in information for the webinar will then be sent to you.

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