Health professionals are in a unique position to engage in local anti-hunger efforts and partner with community-based organizations and school districts to use validated food insecurity screening tools and raise awareness of nutrition assistance programs available to children, families, and older adults. Registrants can learn more about:
- The impact of hunger on children’s health, learning, behavior, and social-emotional wellbeing its effects on seniors’ health and cognitive retention; and opportunities to build a foundation of nutrition support among all generations.
- The latest research on the prevalence and impact of hunger among youngest and oldest residents, before and since COVID-19.
- How federal nutrition assistance programs can help mitigate the ill-effects of hunger.
- Strategies that effectively leverage these programs to address hunger in local communities.
Free for NYSPHA members
$10 for non-members
Continuing Education Credits:
1 CHES credit available
1 CPH credit available
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