Grantee Name
Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center
Funding Area
Primary Care
Publication Date
October 2018
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
September 2013 - August 2014
Adolescents account for more than 20% of New York State’s population. The behavioral patterns established during adolescence can affect young people’s current health status and their risk for developing chronic diseases later in life.
Several health and social problems—smoking, sexually transmitted infections, and teen pregnancies—can peak or start during these years, and the financial costs of these preventable health problems are high. Best practices for meeting the needs of young people and preventing the downward spiral of poor behavioral choices have emerged in recent years. For example, a New York-based program that has achieved national recognition is the Mount Sinai Hospital Adolescent Health Center (the Center). However, there was little documentation that laid out the necessary elements of a successful approach to meeting the health and behavioral health needs of adolescents. NYHealth awarded the Center a grant to develop a blueprint that captures the key aspects of its successful model to help other organizations replicate its effective approach.