Grantee Name
Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc.
Funding Area
Primary Care
Publication Date
June 2015
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
September 2013 – August 2014
The implementation of Medicaid health homes represents a major delivery system transformation effort on the part of the State to provide integrated care management and care coordination for patients with multiple chronic health needs.
However, recruitment and engagement efforts are often challenged by an array of psychological barriers experienced by the individuals who stand to benefit the most from health home services—particularly those whose health care service utilization and associated costs are likely to be impacted by the newly available care coordination and management services.
NYHealth awarded Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) a grant to identify reimbursement and engagement strategies to address the challenges, best practices, and sustainability for health homes. The grant also supported, in partnership with the Missouri Foundation for Health, a meeting to convene representatives from states that were early adopters of health homes and discuss key factors of health home implementation and maintenance.