Grantee Name
Northern Oswego County Health Services, Inc.
Funding Area
Publication Date
February 2015
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
October 2009 – October 2013
In 2009, more than 30,000 medically underserved patients in Oswego County were faced with the possibility of losing access to primary care.
Central Square Health Center closed at the end of 2010, dislocating care for 20,000 patients. Oswego County Opportunities’ two primary care practice sites, which served more than 13,000 patients annually, were both under financial duress and in danger of closing. Oswego Hospital, which operated three primary clinics in the county, was also under constant threat of dissolution as it operated at a loss.
In response, three major institutional health care providers in Oswego County —Northern Oswego County Health Services, Inc. (NOCHSI), Oswego Health, and Oswego County Opportunities—formulated a consolidation plan to avoid the closings.
In 2009, the New York Health Foundation awarded a grant to NOCHSI to implement a large-scale restructuring of the county’s primary care providers and maintain access for more than 30,000 patients to essential primary care health services.