Grantee Name
That Design Firm, Inc.
Funding Area
Expanding Health Care Coverage
Publication Date
November 2014
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
July 2013 – October 2013
At its initial implementation, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was expected to offer 1.2 million New Yorkers the opportunity to gain health care coverage.
During this period of health reform, creative tools that raise awareness and bring information to the public and policymakers are critical. Visualizations have been described as “communication at the intersection of big data, storytelling, and design.”
In 2013, New York Health Foundation (NYHealth) awarded That Design Firm, Inc., a grant to create CoverNYS, a digital interactive map of New York State that would allow users to view information about the number of people expected to gain health coverage as a result of the ACA, filtered by specific geographic areas and demographic data. It was expected that offering this information in a user-friendly manner would facilitate the deployment of assistance to communities most in need of outreach and enrollment resources.