Grantee Name
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
Funding Area
Special Projects Fund
Publication Date
June 2015
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
October 2009 – April 2014
New York State estimates that 1 out every 10 New Yorkers ages 12 years and up (nearly 1.8 million people) suffers from substance use disorders annually, with less than 15% receiving treatment.
The societal burdens of untreated substance use include increased health care costs, crime, and child welfare problems. An urgent need exists to increase prevention, treatment, and recovery services for people struggling with substance use.
In 2009, NYHealth awarded a grant to National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASAColumbia) to develop a screening and intervention program for patients with alcohol and other substance use problems at emergency departments statewide.