Grantee Name
Corporation for Supportive Housing
Funding Area
Special Projects Fund
Publication Date
March 2017
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
October 2013 – September 2014
The Affordable Care Act gave states the option to provide coordinated services for Medicaid patients with multiple chronic conditions through “health homes”—networks of providers across communities that facilitate access to various medical, behavioral, and social services.
Health homes have the potential to reorganize how care is delivered, managed, and coordinated for high-need and high-cost patients, which in turn could lead to lower emergency room use; reductions in hospital admissions and readmissions; reductions in higher health care costs; and improved quality of care. However, health home patients who are unstably housed often cycle through emergency rooms, detox facilities, hospitalizations, and shelters, resulting in enormous costs and poor health outcomes.
To address this issue, NYHealth awarded Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) a grant to improve coordination of care for health home patients with the supportive housing sector.