Grantee Name
Health Research, Inc.
Funding Area
Special Projects Fund
Publication Date
September 2015
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
January 2014 – August 2014
The North Country region of New York, which has a population density of 43 people per square mile and lacks public transportation, poses many challenges to policymakers and providers seeking to ensure access to high-quality health services for residents.
The health system had been under stress as a result of rapid changes in organization, delivery models, and payment reform, as well as an aging population, workforce shortages, and shrinking public funding. The New York State Department of Health formed the North Country Health Systems Redesign Commission (the Commission) as a neutral and trusted entity to engage health care facility stakeholders in a regional planning process. The Commission works to stabilize essential community providers; integrate systems of care to eliminate the risk of reduced access to essential community services; expand access to primary care and community behavioral health services; reduce workforce shortages; and achieve improved quality of care and better population health. In 2014, NYHealth awarded a grant to Health Research, Inc., to support the Commission in its efforts to develop a system to improve patient outcomes, provider financial stability, and population health in the region.