Grantee Name
Plattsburgh-North Country Chamber of Commerce
Funding Area
Expanding Health Care Coverage
Publication Date
July 2011
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009
DOWNLOAD FULL REPORTThe Plattsburgh-North Country Chamber of Commerce serves more than 3,200 members with a range of services, including a menu of insurance plans.
With a planning grant from the New York Health Foundation’s “Expanding Coverage Options in the Small Group and Individual Market in New York State” program, the Chamber of Commerce conducted market research to determine the health insurance perceptions, preferences, and needs of Tri-Lakes small businesses in Clinton, Essex, Franklin, and northern Warren Counties in New York State.
This grant was one of five organizations that received a planning grant from the 2008 NYHealth request for proposals (RFP), “Expanding Coverage Options in the Small Group and Individual Market in New York State.” The RFP grew directly out of the Foundation’s desire to generate ideas for expanding health insurance options for small businesses and sole proprietors.
Read an NYHealth special report that contains a summary of findings from this RFP.