Grantee Name
Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy, Inc./SCAA Fiscal Sponsor for Health Care for All New York
Funding Area
Primary Care
Publication Date
May 2018
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
January 2015–March 2016
Under the Affordable Care Act, New York State has made significant progress toward closing the coverage gap by enrolling more than 1.5 million consumers in quality, affordable health insurance. Still, those with insurance often face a health care system that can feel opaque and unaccountable to their needs.
Further, certain groups, like many undocumented immigrants, are not eligible for the existing coverage options. Since 2008, Health Care for All New York (HCFANY), a coalition of more than 160 groups, has secured numerous policy victories to ensure that New York State has some of the nation’s strongest insurance protections and a robust health insurance marketplace for consumers. NYHealth awarded HCFANY a grant to further support strong insurance protection for consumers; promote and expand coverage options so that uninsured New Yorkers can access quality, affordable health care; and promote payment and delivery system reform.
Grant funds were distributed to the Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy (HCFANY’s fiscal sponsor), the Community Service Society of New York (a HCFANY co-founder), and to seven HCFANY member organizations: Children’s Defense Fund of New York, Make the Road New York, Metro New York Health Care for All, New York Immigration Coalition, New Yorkers for Accessible Health Coverage, Public Policy and Education Fund of New York, and Raising Women’s Voices. Each group represented a different constituency, ensuring that HCFANY’s work was responsive to a broad group of consumers.