Grantee Name
Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA)
Funding Area
Special Projects Fund
Publication Date
July 2019
Grant Amount
Grant Date:
September 2016–January 2019
Fostering collaboration among primary care providers and community-based organizations (CBOs) is critical to addressing social determinants of health, such as housing, access to affordable foods, and opportunities for physical activity.
Residents at New York State teaching hospitals provide a significant proportion of primary care services to Medicaid consumers and other low-income populations whose health is particularly affected by nonmedical factors. Although medical residents have begun to receive more education and gain experience in enhanced primary care models and population health management, they lack education and experience in collaborating with social service CBOs and are not fully integrated into the delivery system reform efforts underway in New York. Additionally, residency programs have not widely incorporated training on social determinants of health into their curricula.
In 2016, NYHealth awarded a grant to the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) to create and pilot a model program for residents that provides skills and training to recognize and address the social determinants of health.