Project Title
Dunbar Virtual Programming
Grant Amount
Priority Area
Date Awarded
November 19, 2020
Central NY
The global coronavirus has brought uncertainty and anxiety into people’s lives, workplaces, and neighborhoods, particularly for those who work to improve the health of our communities.
During this difficult time, many organizations across New York State are working tirelessly to keep people safe, especially the most vulnerable. In response, NYHealth is supporting statewide and local efforts to address emerging health care and public health needs in the wake of the pandemic. In 2020, NYHealth awarded the Dunbar Association a grant to connect low-income residents in Syracuse with healthy meals and social service supports during the pandemic.
Under this grant, the Dunbar Association provided healthy food access and opportunities for virtual support, learning, skill building, and socialization for youth, seniors, and families. Grab-and-go meals were made available for youth, and healthy meals were delivered to seniors. Dunbar Association offered academic support and enrichment opportunities to students, including homework help, tutoring, and college and career readiness assistance. It ran socialization activities for seniors, including virtual exercise classes and healthy meal demonstrations, a book club, spiritual development, and group counseling. Residents were provided with Chromebooks and connected to Zoom so they could access online programming.
View a complete list of COVID-19 response and relief efforts grantees.