Project Title
Scaling Up the National Diabetes Prevention Program
Grant Amount
Priority Area
Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management
Date Awarded
December 10, 2013
Hudson Valley
In New York State, an estimated 4.5 million people have prediabetes, a condition which heightens a person’s risk for developing diabetes and its complications.
While curbing the diabetes epidemic is a daunting task, strong evidence has emerged in support of strategies to prevent diabetes. Specifically, the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) was identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as an effective, evidence-based public health program. This lifestyle intervention has been shown to help participants lose 5–7% of their body weight and reduce their risk of developing diabetes by nearly 60%. Building on previous work to replicate the NDPP, NYHealth issued a request for proposals, Laying the Groundwork to Scale Up the National Diabetes Prevention Program in New York State, to help disseminate and grow the NDPP. Through this initiative, NYHealth awarded grants to organizations to implement, expand, and secure the sustainability of the NDPP in community-based settings across the State. NYHealth awarded Institute for Family Health (IFH) a grant to participate in this initiative.
With NYHealth funding, grantees of this initiative reached communities with high rates of diabetes and prediabetes, making this effective program available to New Yorkers in places where they live, work, and worship. The grant awards supported a range of activities to help organizations implement and grow the NDPP, including the expansion of existing programs; communication, outreach, and education activities to obtain a steady flow of participants; and development of business plans to ensure the sustainability of the program. Specifically, IFH ran 10 NDPP groups at family health centers in Harlem and New Paltz, with the goal of 100-150 participants completing the program. Staff members led an outreach and enrollment strategy to target IFH patients, employees, and community residents who were at risk for developing diabetes.
View a complete list of Laying the Groundwork grantees.