Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Project Title

Underwriting Fees for National Diabetes Recognition Programs

Grant Amount


Priority Area

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Date Awarded

December 15, 2010


Outside New York State





To address the diabetes crisis in New York State, the New York Health Foundation (NYHealth) invested in a five-year, $35 million Diabetes Campaign with the goal of reversing the epidemic.

Under its strategy to improve clinical care and patient outcomes, the Foundation expects to have 3,000 of New York’s primary care physicians providing excellent care to patients with diabetes, as evidenced by achieving certification from national diabetes recognition programs. The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is a nationally renowned diabetes recognition program that recognizes physicians who meet the highest standards of diabetes control. In 2010, NYHealth awarded a grant to NCQA to help underwrite application, data collection tool, and administrative fees for physicians and physician practices interested in attaining diabetes recognition through the Campaign, as these fees can be a major barrier for some to apply.

At the close of 2013, NYHealth surpassed its five-year goal of helping 3,000 primary care providers (25% of all New York State primary care physicians) attain diabetes recognition, which is an indicator that clinicians are delivering the best care and achieving good outcomes for patients.

Health Care Providers Improve Diabetes Care for Patients

A physician at Montefiore Medical Center, Dr. Rohit Bhalla strived to deliver superior care to his patients. When he and other health care providers had the opportunity to attain recognition from a national diabetes program, it was not only a chance to deliver excellent diabetes care and achieve good outcomes for patients, but also a way to transform a systemwide approach to care. Learn more.