Special Projects Fund

Project Title

Health Affairs Theme Issue on Health Care Delivery System Innovations

Grant Amount


Priority Area

Special Projects Fund

Date Awarded

June 22, 2016


Outside New York State





Innovative efforts to improve the quality and value of health care are proliferating in New York State and across the country.

The impetus comes from many sources: leading health care systems are seeking to improve their own performance; public and private payers are increasingly relying upon value-based payment methods; and clinical leaders and patients are demanding change. The time is right for a serious look at what we have learned about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to delivery system innovation. Health Affairs, the nation’s leading peer-reviewed health policy journal, regularly publishes special thematic issues that address major topics in health care policy and practice. In 2011, NYHealth awarded a grant to Project HOPE for Health Affairs to publish two special thematic issues addressing diabetes and health care coverage expansion. In 2016, NYHealth awarded a second grant to Project HOPE to support a thematic issue and a Washington, D.C., briefing on health care delivery system innovation that will highlight work being done in New York State and nationally.

Under this grant, Health Affairs published a March 2017 issue that brought together the best evidence and thinking on delivery system innovation to inform and motivate policy change, inform future research, and develop actionable evidence. NYHealth, along with other funders and thought leaders, helped shape the issue and identify authors and topics. Specifically, each article submitted—either by invitation or in response to the call for abstracts—was reviewed by at least two outside experts in the subject and Health Affairs’ editorial staff to bring the articles to the journal’s high standards for publication. In addition, Health Affairs hosted a briefing in Washington, D.C., coincident with the release of the journal issue, to highlight the thematic content and feature some of its authors. Co-funding for this project was secured from the Blue Shield of California Foundation, Missouri Foundation for Health, and Colorado Health Foundation.