Expanding Health Care Coverage

Project Title

Sponsoring Health Affairs: Theme Issues on Diabetes and Insurance Exchanges

Grant Amount


Priority Area

Expanding Health Care Coverage

Date Awarded

July 28, 2011


Outside New York State





With support from foundations, Project HOPE’s health policy and research journal, Health Affairs, regularly publishes special thematic issues that address major topics in health care policy and practice.

In July 2011, the New York Health Foundation awarded $150,000 to Project HOPE for Health Affairs to publish two thematic issues addressing two different priority areas of the Foundation—one issue focused on diabetes and the other issue on health care coverage expansion.

Health Affairs used extensive dissemination tactics to promote this thematic issue of diabetes, including: 1) Sending the print issue to the journal’s subscribers; 2) Posting the issue on the Health Affairs website; 3) Featuring the articles in posts on the Health Affairs blog; 4) Highlighting the issue on the Health Affairs Facebook page; and 5) Announcing the articles on Twitter to followers, many of whom are reporters, and policy and opinion leaders.