Project Title
Leveraging the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative for Greater Impact
Grant Amount
Priority Area
Expanding Health Care Coverage
Date Awarded
September 27, 2012
Capital Region
Hudson Valley
The Comprehensive Primary Care (CPC) initiative is a Federal demonstration program designed to foster collaboration between public and private health care payers to promote more effective primary care delivery.
New York’s Hudson Valley/Capital District has been selected as one of just seven regions in the nation to participate in the initial launch of the CPC initiative. In addition to Medicare, six commercial payers are participating in the initiative. CPC requires data conformity on measures of health care quality, utilization, and total costs of care between participating payers and providers. With support from NYHealth, THINC designed and established a shared data platform that can be used by all participants to produce a single, uniform data report with actionable results.
To establish this shared data platform, THINC first convened a workgroup comprising the plans participating in the CPC to oversee this project. A consultant with expertise in cost and quality data was enlisted to advise the workgroup and support the detailed data analysis. Data metrics that are common across all the plans were determined, and a set of key data fields was developed for the data platform and quarterly reports. THINC produced a report detailing a strategic data plan that describes how the CPC region would like to approach data reporting, and how the shared data platform would be constructed. It also created an implementation and sustainability plan.