Project Title
Scaling the Diabetes Prevention Program in the State of New York
Grant Amount
Priority Area
Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management
Date Awarded
May 1, 2013
Outside New York State
Diabetes affects nearly 26 million people in the United States.
However, the real crisis is the growing number of people who are at very high risk of developing diabetes. NYHealth was among the first private foundations to invest in a statewide strategy to replicate the YMCA’s adaptation of the national Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), a small-group, 16-week lifestyle intervention that helps adults with prediabetes lose weight and be more active. To date, with the support of NYHealth, 14 YMCA sites across 10 regions of the State have developed their capacity to offer the Y-DPP and have yielded the same results as the original DPP study. NYHealth is now interested in taking this program to scale. With funding from NYHealth, the Bridgespan Group developed a master plan to grow the DPP’s capacity to serve 450,000 people across New York State within the next five years.
Under this grant, Bridgespan conducted a through examination of what it will take to reach at least 10% of the estimated 4.5 million individuals with prediabetes in New York State through the DPP over the next five years. Bridgespan conducted an initial landscape analysis to identify potential delivery organizations and available infrastructure. It also conducted site visits with high-potential service providers and in-depth stakeholder interviews, and developed volume and cost estimates for these organizations. To inform this work, Bridgespan formed a steering committee comprising NYHealth staff, several of our grantees that have been working on spreading diabetes prevention programs, the New York State Department of Health, private insurers, and employers. The main deliverable of this project was a blueprint/master plan report that outlined the strategy and investment estimates required to achieve the goal of scaling the DPP to reach 450,000 New Yorkers with prediabetes.