Healthy Food, Healthy Lives



Funding Area

Healthy Food, Healthy Lives


November 17, 2022

A new @NYHFoundation brief highlights the different experiences food-insecure individuals face in rural, suburban, and urban places and proposes actions to address these differences.
Food insecurity jeopardizes New Yorkers’ health, and New Yorkers living in rural areas are at greater risk than their suburban or urban peers. @NYHFoundation brief:

Across New York State, a little more than half of food-insecure individuals live in urban areas, slightly more than one-quarter in suburban areas, and the rest in rural areas.

The number of New Yorkers in these areas who are food insecure is not proportionate to the population in these places. And New Yorkers’ experiences with food insecurity—the lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life—vary by where they live.

Based on a 1,507-person statewide Survey of Food and Health from the New York Health Foundation, this brief outlines the challenges food-insecure individuals facesuch as barriers to healthy eating and the perilous tradeoffs people makein rural, suburban, and urban places and proposes actions to address these differences.

See the full brief for key findings and policy recommendations.