Nearly 79 million American adults are estimated to have prediabetes—a condition also known as borderline diabetes.
If left unchecked, diabetes is expected to affect one out of three American adults by 2050. As part of its efforts to combat the diabetes epidemic in New York State, NYHealth, in collaboration with the New York State Department of Health Diabetes Prevention and Control Program and the Alliance of New York State YMCAs, implemented the YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program (Y-DPP) in 10 regions of New York State in 2010.
Adapted from the National Diabetes Prevention Program, the Y-DPP is a 16-week, community-based program delivered by the YMCA that helps participants with prediabetes make modest lifestyle changes and can reduce their risk of developing the disease by more than 50%. The program has been found to be as effective as the original model, with similar weight loss goals achieved and sustained over time.
In this video, NYHealth Senior Program Director Jacqueline Martinez Garcel discusses the magnitude of the diabetes problem in New York and how the Y-DPP is helping to reverse the epidemic. The video also shows the impact the Y-DPP has had on the health of New Yorkers through the personal stories shared by graduates of the program.
The video was featured at the conference, “Diabetes Prevention: Scaling What Works,” held in collaboration by NYHealth, the New York State Department of Health’s Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, and the Alliance of New York State YMCAs. Read a recap of the event.