Empowering Health Care Consumers


Altarum Healthcare Value Hub

Funding Area

Empowering Health Care Consumers


March 2019

Consumer worry about health care affordability is well documented, but a new survey reveals how affordability concerns and ideas for action play out in New York State.

Conducted by Altarum’s Healthcare Value Hub, in partnership with the Community Service Society of New York and Health Care for All New York, the survey found that more than half (52%) of New York State adults experienced health care affordability burdens in the past year. Even more (76%) are worried about affording health care in the future.

Other key findings of the statewide survey include:

  • Health care was cited most frequently by respondents as the issue that the government should address. In descending order, the top three issues were: health care (62%), taxes (43%), and the economy/jobs (39%).
  • Worries about affording health care go far up the income ladder. Although lower-income New York State households (less than $50K) have the highest levels of worry (82%), higher-income households (more than $100K) are also concerned: more than two-thirds (67%) are worried about affording health care.

Below are data briefs with statewide and regional survey results: