On September 25, 2017, NYHealth held a panel discussion with two hospital leaders who are at the leading edge of patient experience.

In the ever-evolving field of patient-centered care, innovative models are being used across the nation to improve the entire patient experience. This panel of disruptors highlighted how crowd sourcing ideas from patients, families, and hospital staff can have a major impact on patient satisfaction.

Panelists were:

Nick Dawson, M.H.A., Executive Director of the Johns Hopkins Sibley Innovation Hub and Chair of the Executive Board for Stanford’s Medicine X Program

Maria Hale, M.B.A., Vice President of the Office of Patient and Family Advocacy and Patient-Centered Support Services at Northern Westchester Hospital (NWH)

Amy Shefrin, M.P.A. (Moderator), Program Officer, NYHealth

Mr. Dawson described the Sibley Innovation Hub, the first human-centered design team embedded in a community hospital. He discussed his “Rules for Radical Innovators,” which include empowering everyone on the care team to design better health care, solving within arm’s reach, and running toward the challenge.

Ms. Hale talked about the ways in which NWH, the only acute care hospital in New York State with a national Planetree designation with distinction, implements patient-centered care. Efforts include focusing on activities that patients value the most, eliminating silos and sharing best practices among members of the care team, and using technology to meaningfully engage patients in their care.

The panel also discussed how to maximize the value of both patient and staff feedback, recommendations for fostering radical health care innovations, and how to counter the perception that innovations lead to increased workflow burdens.


(Please note that the video audio starts at 1:35.)

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